World Rogaine Champs in Estonia

Bogy bog bog swamp marsh swampy bog. That was what the terrain was like during the World Rogaine Champs held in Estonia in Karula National Park. Unfortunately this meant most of the time the fastest way was to take winding long tracks around the bogs, meaning the rogaine also featured alot of track running - not super fun.

However we all felt we got to experience some authentic Estonian terrain (based on our guide book the Estonians seem quite proud of their bogs!). Chris and Dennis just missed out on holding their title and placed a very close second to some speedy Russians. Julian and I executed a reasonable course with a bit of time lost in the forest during the night, but were well and truely thrashed by many zippy Estonian mixed teams.

Jana and Sylvia achieved their impressive goal of completing the full 24 hours and did really well for the first 18 before a long and very character building 6 hour walk back to the finish. 'The Oldies' or should I say "The Amazing Oldies" (Pete Squires, Anne Kennedy, Bill Kennedy) won the mixed super veteran category for the umpteenth time. Tim Farrant and Georgia Whitla "The Youngies" did extremly well and won the mixed junior grade.

There were heaps more Kiwis competing than I have just wasn't that uncommon in the night even despite the 700 strong field to stumble accross the odd "g'day" in the night in the middle of a particular swamp, bog or marsh.

Jana and Sylvia make it accross the finish line

Chris and Dennis just after finishing

That's just a small sample of photos - there should be some more coming from the Rogaine as well as some good Estonian bog photos from our travels around afterwards so stay tuned.


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