Chris does a mega run
In preparation for this crazy race: which Chris has been persuaded to compete in July he thought he had better do some running. 100km sounded like a gentle ease in, don't you think? Problem was I had a bad cold on Friday, and wasn't up to much on Saturday morning, so we lounged around, organising stuff and generally mucking about. Then it was 4 pm and we decided we had better get going. So, we drove to Oppdal and he ran while I cycled about 20km and 700m climb into Orkdalshytte on a high plateau beside the Orkdalsjøen (lake). We arrived at the hut at about 10pm, and were eating dinner round midnight.....the em and chris timetable in its full glory! Chris on the run in to the hut Cycling across the plateau with a heavy pack Arriving at the hut in the evening mist We slept in late. Of course! We were tired from being up so late the night before. A sprinkling of new snow on the tops with the sun peaking through ro...