Road Trippin’
Our little Krysler! The first two nights of our adventure were spent in Joshua Tree. All the Yakka trees immensely excited Chris. We had a wonderful camp spot on the 2 nd day and enjoyed the sunset after we walked in to a real Oasis. Unfortunately we both had a nasty flu…I was so reminded of Dad in Orange Grove wishing for Death Valley. The desert oasis Luckily the desert heat did the trick and we were off to Vegas for a wee look around. We camped beside Lake Mead and headed into town at night for a look at the amazing Belagio with its majestic fountains and the Venetian for its amazing architecture. We were so reminded of Dubai and the gambling was eye opening. (Sorry Kurt, but we didn’t gamble a cent!). At Lake Mead the next day the heat soared to 40 degrees as we cruised past the Hoover Dam, then onwards to the Grand Canyon. The Grand Canyon was spectacular, if a bit touristy, but we managed to procure ourselves the not-so-easily-come-by permits to camp down in the gorge. ...